Statewide Support Projects & Collaboration in the Nineties
Music lyric: M.C. Hammer, Yo, sound the bell, school’s in, sucker; can’t touch this; give me a song or rhythm…
Description: Photo of rocket launching the space shuttle; Slide showing technology development projects: OTAN, Adult Literacy Instructors' Training Institute, ESL Teacher Institute, Executive Development Program, Adult Education Leadership Training Program, CASAS, ETI, Staff Development Institute.
Narrator: As California Adult Education moved into the 1990's, the Department of Education used its federal supplemental funding to provide statewide support projects for technology development, communication systems, student assessment, and program evaluation. Collaborative programs with professional associations provided teacher and administrator staff development.
Innovative distance learning programs were piloted. Curriculum projects to meet the needs of California's diverse learners were funded.
Description: Video clips showing students viewing TV monitors in California Distance Learning Project; student on phone while watching class on TV.
Narrator: In 1990, OTAN Online began an electronic system linking California adult educators. As the Internet developed, the OTAN system transitioned to the World Wide Web.
Description: Screen showing OTAN logo, red and black with computer monitor showing the world; spinning logo.
Narrator: By the end of the century, the California Department of Education and all the Adult Education Leadership Projects were using the Internet to communicate efficiently with local agencies.
Description: Video clip of instructors with students in computer lab.
Narrator:In 1992, a three-bill package of adult education reform legislation passed the California legislature. Provisions included the first start-up of new adult schools since the passage of Proposition 13 and funding to alleviate inequalities in apportionment.
Description: Three video clips of students learning with technology.
Narrator: The 90's also saw increased collaboration through the participation of multiple stake holders.
Description: Slide showing stake holders: adult schools, libraries, volunteer literacy, community-based college and organizations. TANF – photos of students in technology as well as vocational classes .
Narrator: In the late nineties, new federal legislation impacted the development of adult education in California. Welfare reform law with an education component was implemented in California as CalWORKs.
Description: Slide showing timeline: 1998 Workforce Investment Act; photo of students in class.
Narrator: And the Workforce Investment Act continued the tradition of supplemental funding to states for the development and improvement of adult education begun in the 1960's.